
Δευτέρα 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"Ahmed M Tanja"

"Ahmed M Tanja"

Dear Friend,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but need not to worry as I am using the only secured and confidential medium available to seek for your foreign assistance in a business. I am contacting you independently of my investigation and no one is informed of this communication.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($12.5million united state dollar.) immediately to your private account. The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for nine good years now without anybody coming for the claim of it. I want to release the money to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer (the account owner) who died a long with his supposed NEXT OF KIN since August 1997.

The Banking ethics here does not allow such money to stay more than 15 years, because the money will be recalled to the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. Upon receipt of your reply indicating your interest in this transaction, I will send you full details on how the business will be executed.

Please keep this proposal as a top secret and delete if you are not interested.
Mr Ahmed Tanja.
Bank Of Africa, Burkina Faso-West Africa.



Attn:Reconfirm your contact address, name & mobile NO,for delivery of your ATM
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"micro promo"

Hurraaaaaaayyyyy - Finally Bill is giving away lots of money!!!

"micro promo"

From: Stephen A. Elof
Microsoft Corporation
I Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-739

Your E-mail Address Has Won $950,000.00 In The Second Category Of The ''Microsoft Business Promotion''. This Promotion Is To Encourage Active Usage Of Microsoft's Operating System Software / Applications Software And Give Back Benefits To Users. Hence We Do Believe With Your Winning, You Will Continue To Be Active And Grow in The Microsoft Family. This Draw Was Done Electronically With Several E-mail Addresses Drawn From Users and Visitors Of Microsoft Products. No Ticket Was Sold And Participating Email Addresses Were Drawn Anonymously.We Hate Spam As Much As You Do. We Will Not Share Your Email With Any Third Party Or Publish It Anywhere.Your Email Is Used Only To Contact You And Give You Microsoft Benefits.

Winning Information
{1} Award Number: MWS#2011
{2} Email Ticket number: 7592-5016-4368-10,
{3} Batch Number: 950THL#2011
{4} File Reference Number: MWSY-Y/072-908627
{5} Serial Number: McST/841/ML10101

Various Categories And Prizes Structure:
1st. $1,500,000.00
2nd. $ 950,000.00
3rd. $ 750,000.00
4th. $ 350,000.00

Present Your Above Winning Information To Our UK Service Centre For Validation Of Winning Within The Applicable Time. You Will Be Presented With A Verification Code. This Will Be Used By The UK Service Centre And The Company When Validating Email Addresses.Validation Will Be No Later Than 23:00 Hrs On The 180th Day After The Claim Period. Any Such Prize Not So Claimed Within This Period Will Be Forfeited.

UK Service Centre Contact Information
Contact: Edward R. Burns
Microsoft UK Headquarters
Microsoft Campus
Thames Valley Park
Reading, Berkshire, RG6 1WG
Telephone: +447024035498
Email: onlinegfc@live.co.uk

Once Again Congratulations, And Welcome To The Microsoft Growing Family.
Stephen A. Elop
President, Microsoft Business Division.

Copyright 2011 Microsoft® Inc. All rights reserved


This one never stops....


Αγαπητέ φίλε,

Παρακαλώ δεν μιλάω ελληνικά, γιατί χρειάζομαι ένα forign εταίρο, thats γιατί αποφάσισε να μετατρέψει αυτήν τη messege σε εσάς, έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να το διαβάσουν και να κατανοήσουν το σημείο μου.

Έχω ταπεινά συγγνώμη με κάθε σεβασμό για οποιαδήποτε αμηχανία δράση μου στο
επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας μπορεί να σας προκαλέσει, Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη το γεγονός ότι δεν γνωρίζουμε σε κάθε τους πριν, αυτό είναι λόγω αυτής της μεγάλη ευκαιρία μπροστά μου στην οποία έχω ποτέ δεν θα θέλουν να χάσουν, αλλά για το γεγονός ότι δεν μπορώ να το κάνω μόνος μου, Επομένως, θα ήθελα να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας γι 'αυτό.

Συμπλήρωμα της ημέρας για εσάς και την αγαπημένη οικογένειά σας. Ζητώ συγγνώμη γι 'αυτό εισβολή, αποφάσισα να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας μέσω e-mail λόγω του επείγοντος χαρακτήρα που συμμετέχουν σε αυτό το θέμα. Να μην εκπλήσσεται ή να φοβάται εμένα για τη λήψη αυτό το mail.

Παρακαλώ ζητώ την άδειά σας και θα θέλετε να πάρετε τον εαυτό μου να σας παρουσιάσω. Είμαι η κ. Veronica Ναθαναήλ, δουλεύω με την Τράπεζα Διεθνών της Μπουρκίνα Φάσο (ΒΟΑ). Χρειάζομαι τη συνεργασία σας για τη λήψη δολάρια ($ 10.5) εκατομμύριο δολάρια που έχει σε μια αδρανή λογαριασμό με την τράπεζά μου για πάνω από 6 ετών, η οποία ανήκει σε έναν από τους ξένους πελάτες μας, ο οποίος πέθανε μαζί με όλη την οικογένειά του σε αεροπορικό δυστύχημα που συνέβη στο Κένυα, Ανατολική Αφρική.

Θα σας δώσει λεπτομερείς πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις λεπτομέρειες αυτής της δράσης, όταν έχω το ενδιαφέρον σας, αλλά πρέπει να πω ότι η εμπιστοσύνη ευδοκιμεί επιχειρήσεις. Επομένως, ας συνείδησή σου προς την πρόταση αυτή να καλλιεργηθεί με ειλικρίνεια και εγώ δεν θα παραλείψω να επιστήσω την προσοχή σας ότι, αυτή η συναλλαγή είναι αναποδιά χωρίς κίνδυνο και θα πρέπει να κρατήσετε αυτή τη συναλλαγή (ΑΚΡΩΣ ΑΠΟΡΡΗΤΟ).

Συμφωνώ ότι το 40% αυτών των χρημάτων θα είναι για σας ως ξένο εταίρο, σε σχέση με την παροχή μιας ξένης λογαριασμό, και το 60% θα ήταν για μένα, εγώ θα επισκεφθεί τη χώρα σας για την εκταμίευση, ανάλογα με το ποσοστό που αναφέρεται. Θυμηθείτε, πρέπει πρώτα να εφαρμόσετε στην τράπεζα και τη σχέση ή στο πλησιέστερο συγγενή του θανόντος πελάτη, αναφέροντας τη στάση σας, στέλνοντας την πλήρη datas σας για μένα.

Τα πλήρη στοιχεία σας
(1) Ονοματεπώνυμο ...
(2) Ηλικία ....
(3) Sex ...
(4) Υπηκοότητα ...
(5) Κατοχή ....
(6) Ιδιωτική Τηλ .... αριθμός τηλεφώνου και τηλεομοιοτυπίας για την εύκολη και αποτελεσματική επικοινωνία και την καριέρα μου ως τραπεζίτη,
Θα σας φέρει μέχρι και την ημερομηνία με όλες τις πληροφορίες το συντομότερο Ihear από εσάς. Αν δεν ακούσω από σας, εντός ορισμένης προθεσμίας Θα υποθέσω δεν σας ενδιαφέρει. Εν τω μεταξύ, αν είστε πρόθυμοι, ικανοί και ειλικρινής για αυτή τη συναλλαγή, παρακαλούμε να εκδηλώσετε το ενδιαφέρον σας.
Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου μέσω ιδιωτικών μου πληροφορίες παρακάτω.
+226 7429 1080

Περιμένετε να σας ακούσουμε σύντομα στη συνέχεια.
Αφορά σε εσάς.
Η κ. Veronica


Dear Friend,

Complement of the day to you and your beloved family. I apologize for this intrusion, I decided to contact you through email due to the urgency involved in this matter. Do not be astonished or afraid of me for receiving this mail.

Please I seek your permission and would want to get my self introduce to you. I am Mrs Veronica Nathaniel, I work with Bank International of Burkina Faso (B.O.A). I need your co-operation in receiving USD($10.5)Million Dollars that has been in a dormant account with my bank for over 6 years which belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash that happened in Kenya, East Africa.

I will provide you with detailed information’s on the modalities of this operation once I have your interest but I must say that trust flourishes business. Therefore let your conscience towards this proposal be nurtured with sincerity and I will not fail to bring to your notice that, this transaction is hitch-free risk and you should keep this transaction (TOP SECRET).

I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner,in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and 60% would be for me, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated. Remember, you must apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased customer, indicating your stand by sending your full datas to me.

(1) Full Name...
(2) Age....
(3) Sex...
(4) Nationality...
(5) Occupation....
(6) Private Tel.... telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and my career as a banker,
I will bring you up to date with all the information’s as soon as Ihear from you. If I don’t hear from you within a certain period I will assume you are not interested. Meanwhile, if you are willing, capable and honest for this transaction, kindly indicate your interest.
Contact me through my private info below.
+226 7429 1080

Wait to hear from you soon next.
Regards To You.
Mrs Veronica

"Euro Million Promotion Center."


Attn ----------!!!

This is to notify you that your e-mail address was entered during the annual Euro Millions Lottery selection Draw and have won the sum of 470,000 euros.

You are to contact below claim officer for immediate process of your claim; Remember to quote these numbers below for verification.

REF: ESP/WIN/008/02/10/MA
BATCH: EURO/1007/444/606/09

You should include Your Name, Sex, Age, Occupation, Nationality, Phone numbers.

Mr. Francisco Casada (Claim Officer)
Email: santanderclaimdept@luckymail.com

Best regards,
Dr. Maria Jose Muyor.
Euro Millions Lottery

Παρασκευή 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2011



I apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of a Certified Post-mail. This is due to the urgency and importance of the information. This project is based on Trust, confidentiality and sincerity of purpose in order to have an acceptable meeting of the minds. I am fifty two (52) years old established lawyer. My name is Mr. Fevinn S Chalmer, a legal personal attorney to an expatriate and a consultant with a French oil company, NOCOZOIL (Now deceased) He died in the Tsunami disaster on 26th December 2004 while on vacation in Thailand.

Six years ago, My Client successfully executed a contract for the Spanish government worth 16.5 million Euros. A part payment of 8.million Euros was paid to my client, while the balance of 8.5 million Euros was still unpaid before my client died in the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster. However, all my efforts to locate the possible next of kin proved abortive. Untill his sudden demise, He was not married and was 44years old.

NOW THE CRUX OF THIS E-LETTER is that the government of Spain is fully paying all foreign contractors who have successfully executed their contracts and my client is among those Benefited in this first quarter payment schedule, which has already been deposited in his bank. As his personal attorney/Adviser, his bank has officially notified and instructed me to forward particulars of my client's next of kin within the next 14 official working days so that he/she can be paid the outstanding USD8.5 Million dollars otherwise his payment will be diverted to the government coffers account as unclaimed bill.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating any of his relatives, I decided to contact you for a deal so that we can work together as a team to remit the money to your account as my client next of kin since I do not want to seat and watch my client hard earned entittlement to go astray,it will be easy for us to achieve because I have done a lot that Iam sure that will bring the claim to a soccessful end. Although I know that a transaction of this magnitude might make anyone apprehensive but I would like to assure you that I am proposing this project to you with the best of intensions. As a lawyer, I have the power to secure all the necessary legal documents that will be used for this claim.

All I require from you is your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a Legitimate banking arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law.Upon successful conclusion of this project, you will be compensated with 40% of the total fund, while 60% will be for me.

If you are interested to work with me in this deal, kindly reply strictly to my personel Email: ( PerzRossellosolicitors@gmx.us ) with your personal Telephone /fax number for effective communication and oral clarification on how to proceed next.

Sincerely yours,
S. Chalmer
{Legal Adviser}

Πέμπτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"ali issa"

"ali issa"



Ouagadougou Burkina Faso .

Private Phone Number+22678534867

E-mail aliissam1972@sify.com

Dear friend,

I am Mr Ali Issa, the head of file department of African development bank (A.D.B) here in Burkina Faso / Ouagadougou . In my department we discover an abandoned sum of (US$10.5mllion US Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his family in plane crash.

It is therefore upon this discovery that I now decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for the safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it. I agree that 40% of this money will be for you, while 60% would be for me. Then after the money is been transferred into your account, I will visit your country for an investment under your kind control.

You have to contact my Bank directly as the real next of kin of this deceased account with next of kin application form. You have to send me those your information below to enable me use it and get you next of kin application form from bank, so that you will contact Bank for the transfer of this money into your account.

Your Full Name....................

Your Home Address.................

Your Age..........................

You’re Handset Number...............

Your Occupation...................

I am waiting for your urgent respond to enable us proceed further For the transfer.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Ali Issa

"Frank Able"

"Frank Able"
I have a bank transaction of 3, 750.000.00 can you assist me?


Αγαπητέ φίλε,

Συμπλήρωμα της ημέρας για εσάς και την αγαπημένη οικογένειά σας. Ζητώ συγγνώμη γι 'αυτό εισβολή, αποφάσισα να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας μέσω e-mail λόγω του επείγοντος χαρακτήρα που συμμετέχουν σε αυτό το θέμα. Να μην εκπλήσσεται ή να φοβάται εμένα για τη λήψη αυτό το mail.

Παρακαλώ ζητώ την άδειά σας και θα θέλετε να πάρετε τον εαυτό μου να σας παρουσιάσω. Είμαι η κ. Veronica Ναθαναήλ, δουλεύω με την Τράπεζα Διεθνών της Μπουρκίνα Φάσο (ΒΟΑ). Χρειάζομαι τη συνεργασία σας για τη λήψη δολάρια ($ 10.5) εκατομμύριο δολάρια που έχει σε μια αδρανή λογαριασμό με την τράπεζά μου για πάνω από 6 ετών, η οποία ανήκει σε έναν από τους ξένους πελάτες μας, ο οποίος πέθανε μαζί με όλη την οικογένειά του σε αεροπορικό δυστύχημα που συνέβη στο Κένυα, Ανατολική Αφρική.

Θα σας δώσει λεπτομερείς πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις λεπτομέρειες αυτής της δράσης, όταν έχω το ενδιαφέρον σας, αλλά πρέπει να πω ότι η εμπιστοσύνη ευδοκιμεί επιχειρήσεις. Επομένως, ας συνείδησή σου προς την πρόταση αυτή να καλλιεργηθεί με ειλικρίνεια και εγώ δεν θα παραλείψω να επιστήσω την προσοχή σας ότι, αυτή η συναλλαγή είναι αναποδιά χωρίς κίνδυνο και θα πρέπει να κρατήσετε αυτή τη συναλλαγή (ΑΚΡΩΣ ΑΠΟΡΡΗΤΟ).

Συμφωνώ ότι το 40% αυτών των χρημάτων θα είναι για σας ως ξένο εταίρο, σε σχέση με την παροχή μιας ξένης λογαριασμό, και το 60% θα ήταν για μένα, εγώ θα επισκεφθεί τη χώρα σας για την εκταμίευση, ανάλογα με το ποσοστό που αναφέρεται. Θυμηθείτε, πρέπει πρώτα να εφαρμόσετε στην τράπεζα και τη σχέση ή στο πλησιέστερο συγγενή του θανόντος πελάτη, αναφέροντας τη στάση σας, στέλνοντας την πλήρη datas σας για μένα.

Τα πλήρη στοιχεία σας
(1) Ονοματεπώνυμο ...
(2) Ηλικία ....
(3) Sex ...
(4) Υπηκοότητα ...
(5) Κατοχή ....
(6) Ιδιωτική Τηλ .... αριθμός τηλεφώνου και τηλεομοιοτυπίας για την εύκολη και αποτελεσματική επικοινωνία και την καριέρα μου ως τραπεζίτη,
Θα σας φέρει μέχρι και την ημερομηνία με όλες τις πληροφορίες το συντομότερο Ihear από εσάς. Αν δεν ακούσω από σας, εντός ορισμένης προθεσμίας Θα υποθέσω δεν σας ενδιαφέρει. Εν τω μεταξύ, αν είστε πρόθυμοι, ικανοί και ειλικρινής για αυτή τη συναλλαγή, παρακαλούμε να εκδηλώσετε το ενδιαφέρον σας.
Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου μέσω ιδιωτικών μου πληροφορίες παρακάτω.
+226 7429 1080

Περιμένετε να σας ακούσουμε σύντομα στη συνέχεια.
Αφορά σε εσάς.
Η κ. Veronica


Dear Friend,

Complement of the day to you and your beloved family. I apologize for this intrusion, I decided to contact you through email due to the urgency involved in this matter. Do not be astonished or afraid of me for receiving this mail.

Please I seek your permission and would want to get my self introduce to you. I am Mrs Veronica Nathaniel, I work with Bank International of Burkina Faso (B.O.A). I need your co-operation in receiving USD($10.5)Million Dollars that has been in a dormant account with my bank for over 6 years which belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash that happened in Kenya, East Africa.

I will provide you with detailed information’s on the modalities of this operation once I have your interest but I must say that trust flourishes business. Therefore let your conscience towards this proposal be nurtured with sincerity and I will not fail to bring to your notice that, this transaction is hitch-free risk and you should keep this transaction (TOP SECRET).

I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner,in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and 60% would be for me, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated. Remember, you must apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased customer, indicating your stand by sending your full datas to me.

(1) Full Name...
(2) Age....
(3) Sex...
(4) Nationality...
(5) Occupation....
(6) Private Tel.... telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and my career as a banker,
I will bring you up to date with all the information’s as soon as Ihear from you. If I don’t hear from you within a certain period I will assume you are not interested. Meanwhile, if you are willing, capable and honest for this transaction, kindly indicate your interest.
Contact me through my private info below.
+226 7429 1080

Wait to hear from you soon next.
Regards To You.
Mrs Veronica

"Mr. Alier Primo"


Mr. Alier Primo
Phone: +27 732-255-582

Good Day,


May I use this medium to introduce myself to you I am a Sudan National and my name is Mr.Alier Primo. I am the first son of Mr. Abil Alier. I am 30years old. My father was the Chairman of Electoral Commission in Sudan . My father was killed on 26 May, 2007 on the on-going war in my country by the military in the capital city of Sudan , Dafour in cold blood. http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=ieas-tb&p=did+Abil+Alier+killed
Since then, things have never been the same with me. Presently I am on the run from Sudan to South Africa . I pray that my decision to contact you will be given a genuine approval considering the facts that we have not known each other before.

Before my father was killed, he deposited some huge amount of money in South Africa with a Security company, in a metallic save box which contains my family treasures. He did not tell the company that it is treasure that was inside the box, it was deposited and described to be containing precious items and personal effects. My father’s Lawyer worked out arrangements to get this Box out of Africa early before his sudden death. He told us that I should not invest the money in Africa for security reason, I should send the money to abroad to a country that has political and economic stability.

Now I need your assistance to receive the box in you Country for me, as my trustee as soon the box arrives, you will meet the diplomatic officials and they will hand the box over to you.

Meanwhile, I will send you all the entire documents covering the legality of the box that contain the money. As you can understand, presently I am in a very tight situation with my old mother and that is the reason why I work out this strategy to take this box out of Africa so that you will receive it as my beneficiary.

I Have worked out 30% of the amount of $35 million for you and your family, 10% kept aside for all expenses and the remaining 60% is what I will invest and live with you in your country, all I need is your reliability and trustworthy concerning this transaction and I will be very grateful if only you can help me out of this Situation and Carry on this transaction because I want this Fund to be moved abroad for investment without any further delay.

I am counting on you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Please reply me to this email address (alier.primo.family@gmail.com) PHONE: +27 732-255-582

Yours truly
Mr.Alier Primo

"Mrs Rose Patrick"


Direct Lines +226 74666611

Dear Friend,

I am Mrs. Rose Patrick, the Head of Foreign Operation, holding the post of foreign and local inheritance funds in African development bank Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. I discovered existing dormant account for 5years. When I discovered that there had been neither continuation nor withdrawals from this account for this long period and our banking laws stipulates that any unserviceable account for more than 5years will go into the bank revenue as an unclaimed fund.

I have made personal inquiries about the depositor and his next of kin but sadly, the depositor and his next of kin died on their way to business trip, and he left no body behind for this claim, I only made this investigation just to be double sure of this fact and since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives information concerning this fund, I seek your concern for further assistance to stand as the real next of kin to the deceased person so that our bank will release the fund on your behalf.

Amount to claim US$
Now my questions are:-
1. Can you handle this project? ……………
2. Can I give you this trust? ………………

If yes, call me and send to me your personal information as below:
Your name :....................
Your address:..................
Your country:..................
Your occupation:...............
Your age:......................
Telephone number:..............
This information is necessary,

Upon the receipt of your reply, I will give you the full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 50% of the above mentioned sum as your own share while 50% will be for me, and both of us will handle the expenses that may arise in this transaction. I am expecting your urgent responses to enable me inform you on how the business will be executed. Please keep this proposal as a top secret or delete if you are not interested,

Mrs. Rose Patrick
Tel : +226 74666611



I apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of a Certified Post-mail. This is due to the urgency and importance of the information. This project is based on Trust, confidentiality and sincerity of purpose in order to have an acceptable meeting of the minds. I am fifty two (52) years old established lawyer. My name is Mr. Fevinn S Chalmer, a legal personal attorney to an expatriate and a consultant with a French oil company, NOCOZOIL (Now deceased) He died in the Tsunami disaster on 26th December 2004 while on vacation in Thailand.

Six years ago, My Client successfully executed a contract for the Spanish government worth 16.5 million Euros. A part payment of 8.million Euros was paid to my client, while the balance of 8.5 million Euros was still unpaid before my client died in the Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster. However, all my efforts to locate the possible next of kin proved abortive. Untill his sudden demise, He was not married and was 44years old.

NOW THE CRUX OF THIS E-LETTER is that the government of Spain is fully paying all foreign contractors who have successfully executed their contracts and my client is among those Benefited in this first quarter payment schedule, which has already been deposited in his bank. As his personal attorney/Adviser, his bank has officially notified and instructed me to forward particulars of my client's next of kin within the next 14 official working days so that he/she can be paid the outstanding USD8.5 Million dollars otherwise his payment will be diverted to the government coffers account as unclaimed bill.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating any of his relatives, I decided to contact you for a deal so that we can work together as a team to remit the money to your account as my client next of kin since I do not want to seat and watch my client hard earned entittlement to go astray,it will be easy for us to achieve because I have done a lot that Iam sure that will bring the claim to a soccessful end. Although I know that a transaction of this magnitude might make anyone apprehensive but I would like to assure you that I am proposing this project to you with the best of intensions. As a lawyer, I have the power to secure all the necessary legal documents that will be used for this claim.

All I require from you is your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a Legitimate banking arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law.Upon successful conclusion of this project, you will be compensated with 40% of the total fund, while 60% will be for me.

If you are interested to work with me in this deal, kindly reply strictly to my personel Email: victeadvocat@gmx.com with your personal Telephone /fax number for effective communication and oral clarification on how to proceed next.

Sincerely yours,
Fevinn .S. Chalmer
{Legal Adviser}

Τετάρτη 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"BBC One National Lottery Team"

BBC One National Lottery Team
National Lottery Draws Results
Po Box 200, Harrogate England, United Kingdom
BBC One Lottery Representative
Email: bbcdrawlondon5@w.cn
Visit Our Web Site www.bbc.co.uk/lottery/

Batch No: BNL/515944052/548/UK
Draw No: 1557
Bonus No: 27
GOOD DAY WINNER NO.45 (11) (30) (38) (45) (46) (49) BONUS (27).
This is to inform you that you have WON the sum of 650, 000, 00 Great British Pounds from our 2011 charity bonanza. The draw No.1557 brought out your e-mail address from a Data Base of Internet Email Users and qualified you a benefited winner of the stated winning amount, in the ongoing £44.4million Spring lottery charity bonanza for London's heritage,
Held on January 2011 The BBC One National Lottery Fund gives grants to sustain and transform individual lives all over the globe for the less privilege once; we are here to use our diverse heritage to change lives in every part.
Please Fill the Information below and Send To us via E-mail:

A Scan copy of your Identification (Driving License or any Valid I.D Proof) is needed

1. Full Names:
2. Full Address:
3. State:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Sex:
7. Marital status:
8. Winning Email:
9. Mobile Tel: Number
10. Country:

Mode of Prize Remittance.

(1) Cash Pick-Up (You coming Down to United Kingdom Personally to Pick Your Prize).

(2) Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque Name and other Winning Documents safely to you.

Yours sincerely
Jodie Printer

Visit Our Web Site www.bbc.co.uk/lottery/

Your online coordinator
Mr. George Brumeh
The online coordinator, B.B.C Department,
National Lottery Results England
Email: bbcdrawlondon5@w.cn

The weekend National Lottery draws including Thunder ball and Lotto draws. Presented by Scott Mills, with special guest Ashley Banjo from dance group Diversity 10:35, on BBC One

Τρίτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2011


This one is persistent....

Dear Friend,

Complement of the day to you and your beloved family. I apologize for this intrusion, I decided to contact you through email due to the urgency involved in this matter. Do not be astonished or afraid of me for receiving this mail.

Please I seek your permission and would want to get my self introduce to you. I am Mrs Veronica Nathaniel, I work with Bank International of Burkina Faso (B.O.A). I need your co-operation in receiving USD($10.5)Million Dollars that has been in a dormant account with my bank for over 6 years which belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash that happened in Kenya, East Africa.

I will provide you with detailed information’s on the modalities of this operation once I have your interest but I must say that trust flourishes business. Therefore let your conscience towards this proposal be nurtured with sincerity and I will not fail to bring to your notice that, this transaction is hitch-free risk and you should keep this transaction (TOP SECRET).

I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner,in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and 60% would be for me, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated. Remember, you must apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased customer, indicating your stand by sending your full datas to me.

(1) Full Name...
(2) Age....
(3) Sex...
(4) Nationality...
(5) Occupation....
(6) Private Tel.... telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and my career as a banker,
I will bring you up to date with all the information’s as soon as Ihear from you. If I don’t hear from you within a certain period I will assume you are not interested. Meanwhile, if you are willing, capable and honest for this transaction, kindly indicate your interest.
Contact me through my private info below.
+226 7429 1080

Wait to hear from you soon next.
Regards To You.
Mrs Veronica

Δευτέρα 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2011


Paleisstraat 5, 2514 JA Den Haag
The Netherlands.

(I) Batch numbers: NL 01/66108
(ii) Ticket number: NL 542/02/87
(iii) Ref number: NL/1234/10/08

Dear Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the STAATS LOTERIJ NL Email Winner's International programs held on 11th of February 2011.released Today 13th February 2011. Your email address have been selected as one of the lucky winning address, therefore you have been approved for a lump sum payout of 950.000.00 Euro (Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro)

To file and claim your winning contact your claim agent with the following
information's below.

Contact Person: Mr. Renato Teinze
Foreign Operations Manager
TEL: +31-616-942-662
FAX: +31-847-139-212
REPLY EMAIL: claimsoffice108@aim.com

(1)Full Name :
(2)Tel/Fax # :
(3)Ref, Batch and Ticket Numbers in the email received:
(4)Country origin:
(5)Amount Won:
(8)Contact Address

NOTE: All winnings must be claimed not later than 21st February 2011, after this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake. Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Note that if you are not a resident winner of the Netherlands you will be required to pay for the Insurance and the legalization/notarization of

your Winning documents.


Sweepstakes International Program.staatsloterij.
Sincerely Yours,
Mrs.Victoria Holbrooke.
Online coordinator.

"Abulu Odele"

Dear Friend,
Greetings to you and your family,I am Mr Abulu Odele the Auditing and Accounting section manager in AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (A.D.B) Ouagadougou Burkina faso.I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($39.5)million to your account within 10 or14 banking days.This money has been dormant for years in our Bank with out claim.So this is the reason why i contacted you in a good manner so that the bank can release the money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer.If you really want to do this business with me,let me have a positive response from you via return mail for more personal discussions and transmission of documents,facilitated and get back to me immediately.I am expecting your urgent response.Best Regard. Mr Abulu.

Κυριακή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2011


Dear Friend,

Complement of the day to you and your beloved family. I apologize for this intrusion, I decided to contact you through email due to the urgency involved in this matter. Do not be astonished or afraid of me for receiving this mail.

Please I seek your permission and would want to get my self introduce to you. I am Mrs Veronica Nathaniel, I work with Bank International of Burkina Faso (B.O.A). I need your co-operation in receiving USD($10.5)Million Dollars that has been in a dormant account with my bank for over 6 years which belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in a plane crash that happened in Kenya, East Africa.

I will provide you with detailed information’s on the modalities of this operation once I have your interest but I must say that trust flourishes business. Therefore let your conscience towards this proposal be nurtured with sincerity and I will not fail to bring to your notice that, this transaction is hitch-free risk and you should keep this transaction (TOP SECRET).

I agree that 40% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner,in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and 60% would be for me, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated. Remember, you must apply first to the bank as relation or next of kin of the deceased customer, indicating your stand by sending your full datas to me.

(1) Full Name...
(2) Age....
(3) Sex...
(4) Nationality...
(5) Occupation....
(6) Private Tel.... telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and my career as a banker,
I will bring you up to date with all the information’s as soon as Ihear from you. If I don’t hear from you within a certain period I will assume you are not interested. Meanwhile, if you are willing, capable and honest for this transaction, kindly indicate your interest.
Contact me through my private info below.
+226 7429 1080

Wait to hear from you soon next.
Regards To You.
Mrs Veronica

Πέμπτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2011



You are a winner of Ђ1,000.000.00 Euros in euro million lottery to claim your winnings prize contact euro million Spain S.A. This is special organized by European Union, because of the world crisis and it being selected by automatic computer ballot system. Please open your email attachment to receive your agent processing form, fill it and get back to us for your claim.

Winning Claims Requirements:
Winning Number: Lwh0094478GC
Your Name:
Your Address:
Phone / Fax:

Mode of Payment:
Wire Transfer
Bank Draft / Cheque

Best Regard
Euro Millions lottery! Inc.

Brought to you by the Euro Millions Lottery! Team
Copyright © 2011 Euro Millions

Τρίτη 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2011


In a bid to ease the living conditions of our fans/customers all over the world in this dark period of economic crunch Where many companies are closing and families have lost their homes and means of livelihood.

Mercedes-Benz.de in conjunction with Mercedes-Benz.co.uk sends you this mail with the aim of giving you the opportunity of becoming a proud beneficiary of the 2011 charity promotions with a cash sum of 850,000:00GBP (Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds ) by being part of our online quiz competition.

If you have never had a Mercedes-Benz, this is your chance to benefit from our company while if you have had any of our products this is your opportunity of enjoying some of our benefits apart from the comfortability and efficiency of our products. Just answer the simple questions asked below.

1, Which of these is manufactured by
(A), X5 (B), SLR MCLAREN (C), Z4
2, Emil Jellinek named a special car made for him after the name of
his 10 year old daughter, what was her name?
3, Name two cars that Mercedes-Benz Manufactured.
(A), X5 & E-CLASS (B), Z4 & K-CLASS

There are other Mercedes-Benz cash consolation prizes for candidates who may fall short of the answers.

Send your answers along with your
name, sex, Phone Number,country and occupation to:

EMAIL: s.hoffman@accountant.com
PHONE: +44-702-404-7538

Yours Sincerely,and Good Luck,
Mrs. Brandi Perez (Chief Monitoring Officer)

This Promotion is endorsed and licensed by
The Mercedes-Benz Company.
Material Copyright©2011. All Rights Reserved
www.mercedes-benz.de and www.mercedes-benz.co.uk

Κυριακή 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"Born, Angie"

(UK. Regional Office)
Microsoft London (Cardinal Place)
100 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL
Data File Number: UK/983Q8/16
Ref Code: 51219876
Batch: GH284QPW

Dear:Winner No: 03:

Microsoft Corporation wish to notify all online customers as we celebrates the 35th year anniversary 2010; and also to inform you that you have emerged one of the beneficiary selected in this ongoing Microsoft 35th Anniversary Program in conjunction with the Foundation of Software Products (F.P.S.) making you a winner No:03.

A Cheque will be issued in your name by Microsoft Corporation Board United Kingdom (MCSP), you have therefore won the entire sum of 850,000.00GBP (Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand Pounds)
Contact Your Validation Officer: Dr Harry Peterson via email
Email: harrypeterson05@ciudad.com.ar
Phone: +447031802832

Provide the below information on contact with Dr Harry Peterson for validation of your prize
Phone No:
Home Address:
What is your comment on Microsoft products?

You are required to contact Doctor Harry Peterson, with your award security information Data File Number: UK/983Q8/16, Ref Code: 51219876, Batch: GH284QPW, Grant Number: GAI/51219876/10

To file for your claim, Contact your Validating Officer (Dr Harry Peterson) for validation of your winning Prize within Twenty-nine working days of this winning notification. Winnings that are not validated within Twenty-nine working days of winning notification are termed void and invalid. You are required to mention the above particulars of your award in every correspondence to enable the Agent validate your winning.

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize, Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!

Emily Anderson
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Microsoft Board Commission.

Σάββατο 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"IMF/ Barclays Bank Plc."





Your Message States.

We the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Barclays bank investigation bureau Washington DC in conjunction with some other relevant Investigation Agencies here in The United states of America have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you presently having Transaction going on with Bank of United Kingdom (BUK) as regards to your over-due Contract payment lottery Winner which was fully endorsed in your favor accordingly.

Having sought the consent of the Federal Bureau of Intelligence, FBI and The British Scotland Yard, have agreed to compensate you with the immediate release of Five Million's US Dollar's (US$5,000,000.) You have being issued an Enquiry Notification Code: FBI/267489/US-08ZZ/08.

This is to inform you that after proper check and investigation into your payment file, the following findings were made:

You have been dealing with impostors parading themselves with different fake identities and in attempt to swindle you in recent time. Stop communication with such individuals.

Henceforth, your payment file has been passed to the corresponding bank namely - Barclays Bank of New York - it is to oversee your payment in the most legitimate manner and base in the United States all proceeding will be fully utilize as concern proper guidelines, law and transparency.

EMAIL ADDRESS: barclaysbkplc@gala.net

The institution shall open communication with you as soon as they are done with your payment file.
Your kind understanding in this matter would be appreciated. and also get back to us as soon as you contact Barclays bank of New York for your fund payment to enable they transfer your fund to your account.
We wait to read from you as soon as possible thank you for your anticipated cooperation.


Παρασκευή 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"Ali Musa"

Dear Friend,
With due respect to your person and much sincerity of purpose I make this contact with you as I believe that you can be of great assistance to me. My name is Ali Musa
from Ouagadougou Republic of BURKINA FASO, West Africa. Presently i work in the Bank as telex manager. I have been searching for your contact since you left our country some years ago .I do not know whether this is your correct email address or not because I only used your name initials to search for your contact in the internet .In case you are not the person I am supposed to contact , please see this as a confidential message and do not reveal it to another person but if you are not the intended receiver, do let me know whether you can be of assistance regarding my proposal below because it is top secret.

I am about to retire from active Bank service to start a new life but I am sceptical to reveal this particular secret to a stranger . You must assure me that everything will be handled confidentially because we are not going to suffer again in life.

It has been 10 years now that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to Launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers. Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa was gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent.

Their Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transfer to foreign accounts so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the funds hence I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers were being closed after transfer.

I acted as the Bank Officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act, I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me because the money was too much for them to control. They laundered over $5b(five billion)united states Dollars during the process .As I am sending this message to you, I was able to divert more than One Hundred Million Dollars ($150m) to an escrow account belonging to no one in the bank. The bank is anxious now to know who is the beneficiary to the funds because they have made a lot of profits with the funds.

It is more than Eight years now and most of the politicians are no longer using our bank to transfer funds overseas. The ($150m) Million Dollars has been lying waste but I don't want to retire from the bank without transferring the funds to a foreign account to enable me share the proceeds with the receiver. The money will be shared 60% for me and 40% for you .

There is no one coming to ask you about the funds because I secured everything.I only want you to assist me by providing a bank account where the funds can be transferred. You are not to face any difficulties or legal implications as I am going to handle the transfer personally. If you are capable of receiving the funds, do let me know immediately to enable me give you a detailed information on what to do.

For me, I have not stolen the money from anyone because the other people that took the whole money did not face any problems. This is my chance also to grab my own but you must keep the details of the funds secret to avoid leakages as no one in the bank knows about the funds..

Please supply me the following:

Your current contact address and Telephone Numbers..
I shall intimate you on what to do when I get your confirmation and acceptance. If you are capable of being my trusted associate, do declare your consent to me.
Waiting for your urgent response.

Yours Faithfully,
Ali Musa

Πέμπτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"FeDex Delivery Team."

FedEx Courier Services, Federal Business District, GP Plaza Block D, Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria Opening Hours Mon-Fri 08:00-20:00 Sat-Sun 09:00-14:00 Holidays Closed Dear Customer!!! We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirmed Package that is registered with us for shipping to your residential location. We thought that the sender gave you our contact details and that you would have contacted us by now,also be informed let that a letter is also attached to your package. However, we cannot quote its content to you via E-mail for privacy reasons. We understand that the content of your package itself is a Bank Draft worth $580,000.00 USD,in FedEx we do not ship money in CASH or in CHEQUES but in Bank Drafts only. The package is registered with us for mailing by your colleague, and your colleague explained that he had business with you when he was staying in Greece as he is a Greek citizen by birth but he is in Nigeria for a three (3) months Surveying Project. For he is working with a consulting firm in Nigeria West Africa. We are sending you this E-mail because your package is been registered on a Special Order. What you have to do now, is to contact our Delivery Department for the immediate dispatch of your package to your residential address. Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirms your information, it will only take us one working day (24 hours) for your package to arrive at its designated destination. For your information, the VAT & Shipping charges have been paid by your colleague before we agreed to keep this Package. Note that the payment that is made on the Premium & Clearance Certificates, are to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug Affiliated Fund (DAF) neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country. This will help you avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of your country. However, you will have to pay a sum of $95 US Dollars to the FedEx Delivery Department for the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx company as stated in our privacy terms & condition page. Also be informed that your colleague wished to pay for the Security Keeping charges, but we do not accept such payments considering the facts that all items & packages registered with us has a time limitation and we cannot accept payment not knowing when you will be picking up the package or even respond to us. So we cannot take the risk to have accepted such payment. Kindly note that your colleague did not leave us with any further information. We hope that you send your response to us as soon as possible because if you fail to respond until the expiry date of the foremost package, we may refer the package to the British Commission for Welfare as the package those not have a return address. Kindly contact the delivery department (FedEx Delivery Post) with the details given below: FedEx Delivery Post Contact Person: Mr. Sam Maker E-mail:fedx.deliveries@post.com Kindly complete the below form and send it to the email address given above. This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephone numbers. FULL NAMES: MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBER: POSTAL ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: OCCUPATION: As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you the necessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for the Security Keeping Fees. As soon as they confirm your payment receipt of $95 US Dollars. They will not hesitate to dispatch your package as well as the attached letter to your residence. which usually takes 24 hours being an over night delivery service. Note: that we were not instructed to email you, but due to the high priority of your package we had to inform you as your sender did not leave us with his phone number because he stated that he just arrived Nigeria and he has not gotten a phone yet. We personally sealed your Bank Draft and we found your email contact in the attached letter as the recipient of the foremost package. Ensure to contact the delivery department with the email address given above and ensure to fill the above form as well to enable a successful reconfirmation. Yours Faithfully, Mr James Wellington. FedEx Online Team Management. All rights reserved.©1995-2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This E-mail is only for the above addressees. It may contain confidential or Privileged information. If you are not an addressee you must not copy, distribute, disclose or use any of the information in it or any attachments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEDEX INTL>>>LICENCE OF FEDERAL EXPRESS CO-OPERATION.

Κυριακή 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"Georges Manda"

Dear One

Can you assist me in transfering funds into your account and to help me in
investment in your country or any part of the world.
Please let me know so that I can detail you more.

My Regards,
Manda George.

"fatima abdel"

my dear friend, I am Fatima by name: how are you? i want to be your friend, please could you reply this letter, for detail of my self sending my photos to you as soon as you reply my letter. thanks, yours, friend Fatima .

Σάββατο 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2011


TEL: +27-73-403-5233
FAX: +27-86-570-5507
ALTERNATIVE E-MAIL:johnzuma12@gala.net


You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me personally; the purpose of my introduction is that, My name is Mr. John zuma, the elder son of Mr. Christopher zuma, of Zimbabwe, who was recently murdered in the land dispute in Zimbabwe . I got your contact through South African Information Exchange decided to write you. Before the death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of US$18.6 Million (Eighteen Million Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars), in one of the private security company, as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe . This money was deposited in a box as germ stones to avoid much demurrage from Security Company. This amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the farms and established of new farm in Swaziland .
This land problem came when Zimbabwean President MR.ROBERT MUGABE introduces a new Land Act reform which wholly affected the rich white farmers and some few blacks’ farmers. And this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society. In fact, a lot of people were killed because of this land reformed Act for which my father was one of the victim.
It is against this background that, I and my family who are currently staying in South Africa decided to transfer my father's money to foreign account since the law of South Africa prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial transaction throughout the territorial zone South Africa. As the eldest son of my father, I am saddle with the responsibility of seeking a genuine foreign account where this money could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking everything we have got. The South African government seems to be playing along with them. I am faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in South Africa for fear of going through the same experience in future since both countries have similar political history. Moreover, the South African Foreign Exchange Policy does not allow such investments for an asylum seeker.
As a trustworthy person, who I have to entrust my future since both my future and of my family are in his hands, I must let you know that this transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist my family and me all I want you to do for me is to make arrangements and come to Johannesburg-South Africa, so that you can open a non-resident account, which you will aid us in transferring the money into any account which you will nominate overseas. This money I intended to use for investment.

I have two options for you; firstly you can choose to have certain percentage of the money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can go into partnership with me for proper profitable investment of the money in your country. Whichever the options you want, feel free to notify me. If you do not prefer partnership I am willing to give you 25% of the money while the remaining 75% will be for my investment in your country. Contact me with the above e-mail and number while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy required in this transaction.
Yours Faithfully
(For the Family)

"Información Noticia"

This mail is to officially notify you that your Email address was
automatically selected randomly from your Web Email provider by 888casino,
Pc-City automatic advertising Electromechanical system generated email
online promotions. Where your email address emerged as one of the online
winner in Category C+ attached with Secret Reference Code: MKQ/822/PDH

This attracts a prize of (Eur 350,000.00). You are obliged to come to our
office for prize presentation also for your claim notarization and
legalization processing eventually payment of your prize.

NOTE: Do not disclose your Secret Reference Code to any
individual/organization claiming to represent you or representing
http://es.888casino.com/ If you receive any e-mail of such or phone call
from anyone requesting you to provide your Reference Code, please report or
forward any email received to us immediately. Our Member Support Department
is available 24/7 to assist you via e-mail at: info-casino888.com@ozu.es /

For more information's, do contact our authorized legal claim
processing office via email including your Secret Reference Code:

Contact: Mr. Pablo Gameg Ycaiar
Email: infocontact@mail2online.com
Email: infonline@mail2online.com

Congratulations in Advance,

Mrs. Magarina Danorial
Promotion Manager

Compra Ahorra: Click, http://www.pccity.es/index.jsp -

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
y se considera que está limpio.
Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas (FUNVISIS)

Πέμπτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"Online Notification"

Microsoft Promotion Award Team
Dr.Helen Gibson
16 Baker Close
Oakwood Business Park
Clacton, Essex
CO15 4TL
United Kingdom.


We happily announce to you the draw (#958) of the MICROSOFT CORPORATIONS WORLD LOTTERY AWARD International programs held in U.K this year your "email address" was attached to ticket number; UK/4620X2/28 , This batch draws the lucky winning numbers as follows GUK/973/798/2011, bonus number 2, which consequently won the lottery in the second category. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Internet Microsoft Windows.

The selection process was carried out through random selection in our Computerized Email Selection System (C.E.S.S.) from a database of over a million email addresses from each continent of the world wide web drawn from all the continents of the world.

We wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all online winners.

A winning cheque will be issued in your name byMicrosoft Promotion Award Team, You have therefore won the entire sum of (Six Hundred And Fifty thousand Great British Pounds Sterling) (Ј650, 000, 00) and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent along side your winning cheque.

You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager with the following details to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:
Email: mr_richardevansmicroclaimsecuritydept@w.cn


1. Full Name:
2. Age:
3. Tel (Mobile):
4. Fax Number:
5. Nationality/Country:
6. Residential Address
7. Sex:
8. Occupation/Position:
9. What is your comment On Microsoft Promo?

Mode Of Prize Remittance.

(1)Cash Pick-Up (You coming Down to United Kingdom Personally to Pick Your Prize).

(2)Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque Name and other Winning Documents safely to you.

To file for your claim, Please contact your Validating Officer for VALIDATION of your winning within Twenty-nine working days of this winning notification. Winnings that are not validated within Twenty-nine working days of winning notification are termed void and invalid.

The Microsoft Windows lottery has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The Microsoft lottery has reached a decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the canceling of that particular winning, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it is taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.

Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the interative Lotteries Board Commission.


Dr.Helen Gibson .

Microsoft Promotion Award Team .


(UK. Regional Office)
Microsoft London (Cardinal Place)
100 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL
Data File Number: UK/983Q8/16
Ref Code: 51219876
Batch: GH284QPW

Dear:Winner No: 03:

Microsoft Corporation wish to notify all online customers as we celebrates the 35th year anniversary 2010; and also to inform you that you have emerged one of the beneficiary selected in this ongoing Microsoft 35th Anniversary Program in conjunction with the Foundation of Software Products (F.P.S.) making you a winner No:03.

A Cheque will be issued in your name by Microsoft Corporation Board United Kingdom (MCSP), you have therefore won the entire sum of 850,000.00GBP (Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand Pounds)
Contact Your Validation Officer: Dr Harry Peterson via email
Email: harrypeterson05@ciudad.com.ar
Phone: +447031802832

Provide the below information on contact with Dr Harry Peterson for validation of your prize
Phone No:
Home Address:
What is your comment on Microsoft products?

You are required to contact Doctor Harry Peterson, with your award security information Data File Number: UK/983Q8/16, Ref Code: 51219876, Batch: GH284QPW, Grant Number: GAI/51219876/10

To file for your claim, Contact your Validating Officer (Dr Harry Peterson) for validation of your winning Prize within Twenty-nine working days of this winning notification. Winnings that are not validated within Twenty-nine working days of winning notification are termed void and invalid. You are required to mention the above particulars of your award in every correspondence to enable the Agent validate your winning.

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize, Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!

Emily Anderson
Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Microsoft Board Commission.

"james bacon"


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All you need to do is take advantage of this right now:

James Bacon

To remove from my list please email to: remove@automate.zzn.com

Τετάρτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

"Dr Chan John"

I am Dr Chan John (Managing Director and Deputy Chief Executive Hang Seng Bank Hong Kong), before the U.S and Iraqi war our client Gen. Zaki Zazidel who was with the Iraqi forces and also businessman made a numbered fixed deposit for 18 calendar months, with a value of Five million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only in my branch. Upon maturity several noticiendes was sent to him, even during the war which began in 2003.
Again after the war another notification was sent and still no response came from him. We later find out that Gen. Zaki Zazidel along with his wife and only daughter had been killed during the war in a bomb blast that hit His Resident. After further investigation it was also discovered that Gen. Zaki Zazidel did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. And he also confided in me the last time he was at my office that no one except me knew of his deposit in my bank. So, Five million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars is still lying in my bank and no one will ever come forward to claim it. What bothers me most is that according to the laws of my country at the expiration 5 years and six month the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong Kong Government if nobody applies to claim the funds. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I will like you as a! foreigner
I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we shall come out successful. I have an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to Gen. Zaki Zazidel , all that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your personal phone number/fax so that the attorney can commence his job. After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favour for the move of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. There is no risk involved at all in this matter, as we are going to adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents.
Please endeavour to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue, also please send me your personal private cell phone/fax number. And finally after that I shall provide you with more details of this operation. I shall be waiting for your response and assurance along with your recent residential address.
Kind Regards,
Dr Chan John

Τρίτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2011


(UK. Regional Office)

Microsoft London (Cardinal Place)

100 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL

Data File Number: UK/983Q8/16

Ref Code: 51219876

Batch: GH284QPW

Dear:Winner No: 03:

Microsoft Corporation wish to notify all online customers as we celebrates the 35th year anniversary 2010; and also to inform you that you have emerged one of the beneficiary selected in this ongoing Microsoft 35th Anniversary Program in conjunction with the Foundation of Software Products (F.P.S.) making you a winner No:03.

A Cheque will be issued in your name by Microsoft Corporation Board United Kingdom (MCSP), you have therefore won the entire sum of 850,000.00GBP (Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand Pounds)

Contact Your Validation Officer: Dr Harry Peterson via email

Email: harrypeterson05@ciudad.com.ar

Phone: +447031802832

Provide the below information on contact with Dr Harry Peterson for validation of your prize


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Home Address:






What is your comment on Microsoft products?


You are required to contact Doctor Harry Peterson, with your award security information Data File Number: UK/983Q8/16, Ref Code: 51219876, Batch: GH284QPW, Grant Number: GAI/51219876/10

To file for your claim, Contact your Validating Officer (Dr Harry Peterson) for validation of your winning Prize within Twenty-nine working days of this winning notification. Winnings that are not validated within Twenty-nine working days of winning notification are termed void and invalid. You are required to mention the above particulars of your award in every correspondence to enable the Agent validate your winning.

For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever choice you want to claim your prize, Precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program are in place. Please be warned!!!

Emily Anderson

Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Microsoft Board Commission.

"Jameela Ali"

From Mrs.Jameela Ali,

Dear God's elect,

I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and greatsorrow in my heart, My Name is Mrs.Jameela Ali, and am contacting youfrom my country Tunisia, I want to tell you this because I don't haveany other option than to tell you as I was touched to open up to you, Imarried to Mr.Aabideen Ali who worked with Tunisia embassy in BurkinaFaso for nine years before he died in the year 2005.

We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a briefillness that lasted for only five days. Since his death I decided notto remarry,When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$8.5m (Eight Million Five hundred Thousand Dollars) in a bank inOuagadougou the capital city of Burkina Faso in west Africa Presentlythis money is still in bank. He made this money available forexportation of Gold from Burkina Faso mining.

Recently, My Doctor told me that I would not last for the period ofseven months due to cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is mystroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to hand you overthis money to take care of the less-previlaged people, you will utilizethis money the way I am going to instruct herein.

I want you to take 30 Percent of the total money for your personal useWhile 70% of the money will go to charity" people in the street andhelping the orphanage. I grew up as an Orphan and I don't have anybodyas my family member, just to endeavor that the house of God ismaintained. Am doing this so that God will forgive my sins and acceptmy soul because this sickness have suffered me so much.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of thebank in Burkina Faso and I will also instruct my lawyer to issue you anauthority letter that will prove you the present beneficiary of themoney in the bank, that is if you assure me that you will actaccordingly as I Stated herein.

Hoping to hear from you soon.
Remain blessed
Yours Sister
Mrs.Jameela Ali.

"Selina Osei"

Dear Friend,

This mail may be a surprise to you because you did not give me the permission to do so and neither do you know me but before I tell you about myself I want you to please forgive me for sending this mail without your permission. I am writing this letter in confidence believing that if it is the will of God for you to help me and my family, god almighty will bless and reward you abundantly. I need an honest and trust worthy person like you to entrust this huge transfer project unto.

My name is Mrs Selina Osei , The Branch Manager of a Financial Institution. I got your contact through a reliable source called database through Ghana chambers of commerce. I am a Ghanaian married with 4 kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of US$7,500,000.00 Dollars. This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit last year (i.e. 2009 financial year). I have already submitted an annual report for that year to my head office in Accra-Ghana as I have watched with keen interest as they will never know of this excess. I have since, placed this amount of US$7,500,000.00 Dollars on an Escrow Coded account without a beneficiary (Anonymous) to avoid trace.

As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this money thus I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive this money into your bank account on my behalf. I agree that 45% of this money will be for you as a foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, and 55% would be for me. I do need to stress that there are practically no risk involved in this. It's going to be a bank-to-bank transfer. All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund so that the fund can be transferred to your account.

If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely response to me. This is why and only reason why I contacted you, I am willing to go into partnership investment with you owing to your wealth of experience, So please if you are interested to assist on this venture kindly contact me back for a brief discussion on how to proceed.

You can reply me on my private email adderss: mrs_selinaosei2@hotmail.com

Best regards,
Mr Selina Osei